
Participate or Donate

As a nonprofit organization, our work is accomplished through the participation and generous donations of people like you.  

If you only give once a month, please think of us next time. We know how much you care, and we hope to co-create places where your love and care for others and our world can be shared in a meaningful way—places where your contributions will also give back to you.

If you feel moved by the things we are up to, we would love to stay connected with you. If you have any questions or would like to speak with us, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

There are 3 ways you can get involved:

1. Join one of our groups. Our groups will be expanding to virtual and in-person as our resources grow. We have a rapidly growing Facebook Page and Group and Instagram page, and we would love to have your participation. 

2. Subscribe to our email list. We will be sending out meaningful content on a regular basis, and it is a good way to stay in touch for future updates and events.

3. Donate to our cause. Your contributions will go to furthering our mission to create caring spaces for people to gather and practice the skills of deep village-minded living. You can read more about our Mission and Vision on our About page.

You can donate once, as a monthly membership, or as an annual membership. For any contribution over $75 we will send you a "Care2Gather" t-shirt.  

Please click the “Donate” button below to find out more about the different groups you can contribute to…

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We look forward to staying connected with you!


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